We at Berwaldhallen
This is where to find contact details for us who work behind the scenes with the operations at Berwaldhallen, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Radio Choir, and the Baltic Sea Festival. Filter by department to easily find the person you are looking for.
Josef Beltzikoff
Choir and Orchestra Manager/Deputy General Manager
Matthieu Lescure
Head of artistic planning Swedish Symphony Orchestra and Baltic Sea Festival
Helene Stureborg
Head of artistic planning Swedish Radio Choir
Pernilla Wilhelmsdotter Melin
Deputy choir manager
Margareta Holdar Davidsson
First Music and Orchestra Librarian
Per Sjögren
Stage Technician and responsible Instruments, Mobile +46 700-83 95 84
Kristina Högberg (parental leave)
Digital Marketer
Emma Nyberg (on leave)
Production manager Baltic Sea Festival
Our ensembles
Members of the Swedish Radio CHoir
Members of the Swedish Radio ChoirMembers of Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra members